Welcome to Sterling Payee Services!
More than seven million people who get monthly Social Security or Supplemental Income (SSI) benefits need help managing thier money.
Sterling Payee Services exists for the purpose of enhancing the lives of our clients by removing the burden of budgeting their Social Security income. We will budget our client’s Social Security income, make payments on their behalf to the vendors that serve them and to treat them with the respect that they deserve.
Our goal is to represent clients in an honorable manner, to create a budget for each of our clients, teach them how to budget their finances and for those that have the ability, to one day have them take responsibility for payment of their bills on their own.
Facts To Assist Expediting A Representative Payee Application
In an effort to assist with the application process for a request for a Representative Payee, we here at Sterling Payee Services, wish to provide you with some helpful information. Please note that there is a set criterion that is required by the Social Security Administration in order for Sterling Payee Services to submit an application on behalf of you and/or your client.
- Name and Social Security Number are required by the SSA.
- Physical address is needed,(or if homeless, please state so).
- Phone number and date of birth are needed.
- Current Rep Payee and reason for the change.
- It there is not a current rep payee, then a physician’s statement is required by the SSA.
- Do you live alone and if not who and what you pay for rent is required by the SSA.