Sterling Payee Services Forms
The following forms are in Acrobat PDF format and may be downloaded and printed.
Requirements for Rep Payee Form
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Facts To Assist Expediting A Representative Payee Application
In an effort to assist with the application process for a request for a Representative Payee, we here at Sterling Payee Services, wish to provide you with some helpful information. Please note that there is a set criterion that is required by the Social Security Administration in order for Sterling Payee Services to submit an application on behalf of you and/or your client.
- Name and Social Security Number are required by the SSA.
- Physical address is needed,(or if homeless, please state so).
- Phone number and date of birth are needed.
- Current Rep Payee and reason for the change.
- It there is not a current rep payee, then a physician’s statement is required by the SSA.
- Do you live alone and if not who and what you pay for rent is required by the SSA.